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Find video, photos and cast information for the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries original movie "Rocky Mountain Christmas" starring Kristoffer Polaha, Lindy Booth and Treat Williams. I think I have most of the made-for-tv Christmas movies listed here. And I have many of the direct-to-video Christmas movies listed here too. I just wish all of the movies had poster-pictures. A playlist of Christmas Movies. A playlist of Christmas Movies. Skip navigation Sign in. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in. Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight LIVE HD by The absolute best Christmas movies available to stream in the US. Some we've chosen cost a tiny bit of money, while others are free. Happy Christmas! Disney YouTube, Amazon, Google Play

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Nov 10, 2014 · by YouTube Movies From $3.99: 1:29:30 [Deleted video] [Deleted video] Christmas Every Day - 1996 ABC Family Christmas Movie (Full Movie) by Allen Douangchak. 1:26:03 Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.