The Netherlands leads Europe in internet access

How many countries are there In the world that do not have There are at least 13 countries that severely limit or deny internet service to their populations. Its about CONTROL After all. These countries reasoning behind Denial of Internet Service is. To Restrict free knowledge To restrict exposure to more Internet access grows worldwide but remains higher in 2016-2-22 · Men have greater access to the internet than women in many nations. While gender is less determinative than youth, education and income in whether someone has internet access, there are significant gender gaps in half of the countries surveyed. The gender divide appears in all of the sub-Saharan African nations surveyed. Why Are 4 Billion People without the Internet? In developing countries, the Internet is even more powerful than it is elsewhere. It can connect people who have known only subsistence to the modern economy, and provide them with opportunities for social and economic advancement. Yet most people in developing countries, some 56 percent of the world’s population, still do not use the Internet.

2015-5-1 · Many countries, such as China, have laws that control the content of the Internet and restrict their citizens’ access to information. The United States, with the exception of specific areas such as cyberbullying and child pornography, doesn’t currently take steps to restrict its citizens’ access to the Internet. Unfortunately, this freedom of information does carry some cost because some

Billions of people around the world are continuing to suffer from poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene, according to a new report by UNICEF and the World Health Organization. Some 2.2 billion people around the world do not have safely managed* drinking water services, 4.2 billion people do not have safely managed sanitation services, and 3 billion lack basic** handwashing facilities Internet access - OECD Data

Countries Where Internet is Forbidden or Limited

Countries Where Internet is Forbidden or Limited 2019-1-7 · For many of us the idea of being without the internet for even a few minutes would be a nightmare, but for citizens of some countries, it is an actual reality. And their reality is even worse as they are without the internet or large sections of internet content most of us take for granted. They don’t have the same access to information and