Pupils are disadvantaged if they don't have internet

Why do I not have internet access when my phone sa I am currently having internet connectivity issues. My phone will say it's on LTE, but when I try to use an app that requires internet connectivity, it says that I need to check my internet connection. I can't refresh facebook, check e-mails, or send iMessages. When I join a Wifi network, everything Solved: I have access to the internet, but Windows says No When I look at the Network and Sharing Center, it says No Internet access, but I can use Internet Explorer and Google Chrome to surf the web and download drivers and programs. Windows also sees my internal network, just not the Internet. So far I have uninstalled and updated the LAN drivers and let windows try to troubleshoot the issue.

The report says that the continent’s internet adoption isn't growing at a speedy rate because potential users do not always find the internet relevant enough. According to Bastiaan Quast, co-author of the report and economics fellow of Internet Society , Africa faces challenges such as poor telecommunication systems in slums and the basic

Technology is improving – why is rural broadband access Jun 08, 2016 Are there any countries in the world without internet Very interesting question, depends on really how you define "no internet access." There are those that have internet access but deny connection to Google services, fitness health sites, news sources, social networks and alternative media. Such c

Jun 14, 2016

The report says that the continent’s internet adoption isn't growing at a speedy rate because potential users do not always find the internet relevant enough. According to Bastiaan Quast, co-author of the report and economics fellow of Internet Society , Africa faces challenges such as poor telecommunication systems in slums and the basic Believe it or not, Wi-Fi and internet are two different Just because you have Wi-Fi doesn't necessarily mean you have internet access. Also, having a strong Wi-Fi signal doesn't always translate into fast internet speed. In fact, 60% of the World Still Doesn't Have Internet Access Sep 24, 2015 Why Internet Access Is a ‘Super’ Determinant of Health inquirer.com It is the start of a telemedicine session. A doctor is preparing to video conference with a patient. But then, a note from the appointment scheduler appears: “Does not have Wi-Fi internet service — cannot do video visit. Will need telephone call.” During the coronavirus pandemic, telemedicine has become a critical tool. Virtual doctors’ visits have spiked